The Green Roofs

Look at Bath from any angle and chances are you’ll notice, nestled in amongst the Georgian stonework, some long lime-green strips of copper roofing…

Kilter spent a 3-year residency working with the good people of Snow Hill and London Road in Bath. A pop-up shop became a gallery of local work, a venue for a programme of events, and a hive of arts activities with workshops in all disciplines from poetry to photography.

Born out of local enthusiasm The Green Roofs Singers met weekly for 18 months, culminating with a singing promenade performance in 2013, Outside The City Walls. This was made up of 20 people singing 10 songs, many written collaboratively, about the area.

The bi-monthly story telling event, Story Friday, was also born in the old kitchen shop on London Road.


The Green Roofs project took place from 2011 - 2014, and celebrated the often overlooked areas of Bath, Snow Hill and London Road.


If you’d like to find out more about Kilter’s community projects, check out Made in Foxhill, Seasonal Celebrations and Unsung.


Find out more about our public engagement work here.


"Wow – that was the most touching version of one of my songs that I’ve ever seen! Snow Hill in the background. It reminded me of my upbringing & the fact that I was shaped so much by the Bath artistic community whilst living in a council estate. We should never forget where we came from & personally it made me proud of what Bath has to offer for the underprivileged."

- Curt Smith, Tears for Fears


What People Said

"I thought it was going to be good but it wasn’t good it was incredible."

- Ethan, aged 11

"Made me feel like here’s hope for culture in Bath. I am inspired to research the area in which I live now. Thank you! Your enthusiasm is infectious! I have learned a lot and appreciate all the effort – I have travelled through with my eyes closed. Really enjoyed the workshop. I am inspired by your approach to theatre and creativity."

- The Green Roofs Participant

That's the Kilter way - to bring people together to reflect upon and celebrate what makes them strong as individuals and unites them as a community. That's why their work is always perceptive, intelligent and engaging."

- Peter Salt, Arts Development Officer - Bath & North East Somerset Council


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