Ethics… it’s what keeps us awake at night
Trying to make the world a fairer place for everyone and everything is part of why we started Kilter. We love gnarly ethical debate – & because the solutions are so rarely black & white, we believe theatre is the perfect tool to pick them apart.
We can manufacture dialogue between two sane, flawed opinions and sit on the fence to our heart's desire. Ultimately, it's down to each of us to decide what's right & wrong.
Working with others
Ethics is the cornerstone of the collaborative work we do with Universities. We facilitate creative conversations (that sometimes last for years) to help researchers work out what they think is the right thing to do with their ideas & innovation... money... privilege... power....!
How we work
It wouldn't be right if we didn't therefore pride ourselves on treating people fairly in our working practice. We have always & will always try to offer good, well paid, flexible work to a deliberately diverse team.
We continually revisit and strengthen our strategies on diversity, ecology, sustainability & well-being and try to share the things that work. Right now, as Parents in the Performing Arts we are closely following the work of PIPA, whilst introducing ideas of our own to welcome working parents into Kilter's world.
Responsible Research & Innovation Training
We work with researchers of all disciplines and career stages to help them consider the effects of their work on the world: their responsibilities to the environment, humanity, the future and themselves.
In 2022, we collaborated with the University of Bristol to create this Free Toolkit of innovative and accessible exercises for researchers to adopt and share in their practices.

“Kilter’s curiosity, openness of mind and willingness… led to an honest, productive collaboration, based on mutual trust.”
— Mireia Bes, University of Bristol
“Kilter does what needs to be done but no else has the courage to do.”
— Long-term Kilter follower