One Small Step: Towards Forging An Alliance With Nature

Sometimes the most effective way to stand up for nature is by listening to what it has to say.

Sometimes the most effective way to stand up for nature is by listening to what it has to say.

This creative walkshop gives you the time and tools to empathise with the natural world just beyond our front door steps.

Take some well earned time after work for this quiet mindful saunter into a magnificent local woodland with breathtaking views. Reconfigure your priorities & gain new wisdom, insight and inspiration from the great outdoors & Kilter's gentle provocations!

Who is this for?

Anyone is welcome. The walkshop involves opportunities to use your imagination, but you don't need any previous experience or knowledge.


Date: Wednesday 12th July
Free! Start time: 5pm - 7pm
Meet in the Hare & Hounds car park
A round route through woods, fields & under the sky.


Suitable for ages 18+

Tickets are free, but registration is essential!


This walk is part of Kilter's One Small Step programme; a series of creative walks, funded by The National Lottery, designed to move participants on a journey from climate anxiety to climate action.

This event has now ended. Find out more about our One Small Step programme.


“Excellent says it all. Lovely hosts and fellow walkers. Interesting, Good to talk & to listen. It's inspired me to do more.”

- Participant, Home Sweet Home



  • We have funding to support participation from those who would otherwise not be able to afford to be there. If you would like financial assistance, for public transport for instance, please get in touch by emailing

  • The path is relatively flat throughout, but there are several stiles on this route and paths can be narrow and uneven. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any particular questions concerning access.

  • Meet in the car park of the Hare & Hounds Pub (Lansdown Road, Bath, BA1 5TJ)

    The number 31 Park & Ride bus stops right outside.

  • You are welcome to bring a child in a buggy or a back-pack if you think it'll work for you. (It often has for us. Feel free to talk to us about it in advance.)

  • Please feel free to bring a well-behaved dog. Some sections of the walk are across working farms so leads will be necessary.

  • A pencil and a notebook. Sensible shoes, something for the cooler evening, water.


Questions or suggestions?

Get in touch with us by emailing


One Small Step is made possible by the National Lottery Community Fund. We’d like to say a big thank you to National Lottery players for helping to make our work possible!


One Small Step: Towards Being More Green In Your Creative Practice


A Summer Solstice Strawberry Shindig